Acknowledgement of Contributions
Updated at 03/19/2024, 6:45:00 PM
How to cite
If you use the VirusSeq Data Portal, please cite Gill et al 2024. The Canadian VirusSeq Data Portal and Duotang: open resources for SARS-CoV-2 viral sequences and genomic epidemiology. Microbial Genomics.
Policy on recognition of the work of data providers
You may use the data from the Canadian VirusSeq Data Portal to author results obtained from your analyses of relevant data, provided that your published results acknowledge the contribution of VirusSeq and its partners. We suggest using the following acknowledgement sentence: "The results here are in whole, or in part based upon data hosted at the Canadian VirusSeq Data Portal: We wish to acknowledge the Canadian Public Health Laboratory Network (CPHLN), Genome Canada and the CanCOGeN VirusSeq Consortium for their contribution to the Portal, see supplementary file for detailed information" (supplementary file must be submitted as an addendum to your publication). You may redistribute the data available on the Canadian VirusSeq Data Portal under the same terms and conditions as specified in this policy. You should not impose any additional or different terms or conditions on, or apply any effective technological measures to the data, if doing so restricts the use of the data by others.
Please note that the data that is being shared is the work of many individuals and should be treated as unpublished data. If you wish to publish research using these data, you are encouraged to contact us at before analyzing the data to ensure that those who have generated the data may be involved in its analysis. You are responsible for making the best efforts to collaborate with representatives of the data providers responsible for obtaining the specimens and to involve them in your analyses and research. The metadata available on the Canadian VirusSeq Data Portal comprises a subset of the Canadian COVID-19 related datasets. You may potentially have access to more data through formal collaborations with the CPHLN and CanCOGeN VirusSeq members. You are encouraged to contact us at to obtain additional information for this purpose.
Canadian Public Health Laboratory Network (CPHLN) members and staffs having contributed data to the portal
Genomes with prefix ABPHL
Bu J, Croxen M, Deo A, Dieu P, Dong X, Ferrato C, Gavriliuc S, George R, Getachew F, Gill, K, Ie N, Khadka R, Khan F, Koleva P, Lee L, Li V, Lindsay A, Lloyd C, Lynch T, Ma R, McCullough, E, Mohon A, Murphy S, Obasuyi O, Pabbaraju K, Presbitero A, Rotich S, Shokoples S, Thayer J, Tipples G, Trevor H, Whitehouse M, Wong A, Yu C, Zelyas N
Genomes in collaboration with UC (prefix AB-NNNNNN)
Gordon P, Lam LG, Pabbaraju K, Wong A, Ma R, Li V, Melin A, Tipples G, Berenger B, Zelyas N, Kellner J, Bernier F, Chui L, Croxen M
British Columbia
BCCDC Public Health Laboratory
Prystajecky Natalie, Linda Hoang, John R. Tyson, James Zlosnik, Dan Fornika, Shannon Russell, Kim MacDonald, Kimia Kamelian, Ana Pacagnella, Corrinne Ng, Loretta Janz, Richard Harrigan, Robert Azana, Tara Newman, Jessica Caleta, Sherrie Wang, Janet Fung, Mel Krajden
Cadham Provincial Laboratory collected specimens sequenced at the National Microbiology Lab (NML)
Paul Van Caeseele, Jared Bullard, David Alexander, Kerry Dust
Cadham Provincial Laboratory sequenced specimens
David Alexander, Lori Johnson, Janna Holowick, Joanne Sanders, Adam Hedley, Kerry Dust, Ayo Bolaji, Brooke Cistarelli, Emma Rempel, Paul van Caeseele, Jared Bullard.
Dynacare sequenced specimens
Hilary Racher, Melissa Desaulnier, Tintu Abraham, Hongbin Li (Impact Genetics, Brampton Ontario)
New Brunswick
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Georges L. Dumont
Beauregard AP., Lyons P., Chacko S., Shaw W., Lacroix J., Allain E., Crapoulet N., Garceau R., Desnoyers G.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services
(previously known as "Newfoundland and Labrador - Eastern Health")
Robert Needle, Yang Yu, Laura Gilbert, George Zahariadis, Geoffrey Woodland, Chris Corkum, Kerri Smith, Phillip Andrews, Matthew Gilmour
Nova Scotia
QEII Health Sciences Centre*
Todd Hatchette, Jason LeBlanc, Janice Pettipas, Dan Gaston, Greg McCracken.
(*data tagged post September 14th should include Allana Loder)
Public Health Ontario Laboratory
Jacob Afelskie, Vanessa G Allen, Rebecca Azzaro, Doonia Bajovic, Philip Banh, Ilse Belgrave, Tom Braukmann, Ashley Carandang, Yao Chen, Claudia Chu, Shawn Clark, Kirby Cronin, Richard de Borja, Rachelle DiTullio, Carla Duncan, Hadi El Roz, Alireza Eshaghi, Nahuel Fittipaldi, Christine Frantz, Dhiraj Gaglani, Nicole Graham, Jonathan B Gubbay, Jennifer L Guthrie, Lawrence Heisler, Daniel Heydari, Mark Horsman, Hadia Hussain, Jason Iraheta, Grace Jeong, Esha Joshi, Sushma Kavikondala, Lisa Kim, Surendra Kumar, Michael Laszloffy, Aimin Li, Michael C.Y. Li, Alex Marchand-Austin, Maria Mariscal, Dean Maxwell, Lisa McTaggart, Fatima Merza, Anupam Mittal, Naadia Mohammed, Esther Nagai, Sandeep Nagra, Shiva Nassori, Paul Nelson, Rima Palencia, John Palmer, Samir N Patel, Stephen Perusini, Nataliya Potapova, Anna Puzinovici, Zarah Rajaei, Christina Rampertab, Himeshi Samarsinghe, Candice Schreiber, Christine Seah, Fatemeh Shaeri, Kapil Shaeri, Kapil Shah, Narisha Shakuralli, Natasha Singh, Karthikeyan Sivaraman, Brenda Stanghini, Ashleigh Sullivan, Vincent Su Bin Cha, Yogi Sundaravadanam, Sarah Teatero, Semra Tibebu, Nobish Varghese, Andre Villegas, Jesse Wang, Matthew Watson, Sichong Xu, Xiao Xu, Kent Young, Sophie Yu, Farhan Yusuf, Sandra Zittermann
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Jared T. Simpson, Richard de Borja, Paul Krzyzanowski, Bernard Lam, Lawrence Heisler, Michael Laszloffy, Yogi Sundaravadanam, Ilinca Lungu, Lubaina Kothari, Cassandra Bergwerff, Jeremy Johns, Felicia Vincelli, Philip Zuzarte
McMaster University
Hooman Derakhshani, Sheridan J.C. Baker, Emily M. Panousis, Ahmed N. Draia, Jalees A. Nasir, Michael G. Surette, Andrew G. McArthur
Prince Edward Island
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Xiaofeng Ding, Vanessa Arseneau, Kari-Lyn Young
Laboratoire de Santé Publique du Québec, McGill Génome Sciences Centre; CoVSeq Consortium
Sandrine Moreira, Jiannis Ragoussis, Guillaume Bourque, Éric Fournier, Aurélie Guilbault, Benjamin Delisle, Dihya Baloul, Inès Levade, Sarah Reiling, Hector Galvez, Paul Stretenowich, Alexandre Montpetit, Michel Roger, Judith Fafard
Roy Romanow Provincial Laboratory
Ryan McDonald, Keith MacKenzie, Kara Loos, Stefani Kary, Meredith Faires, Guruprasad Janga, Rachel DePaulo, Laura Klassen, Alanna Senecal, Amanda Lang, Jessica Minion, Roy Romanow Provincial Laboratory - Molecular Diagnostics.
Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory (NML)
Anna Majer, Shari Tyson, Grace Seo, Philip Mabon, Elsie Grudeski, Rhiannon Huzarewich, Russell Mandes, Anneliese Landgraff, Jennifer Tanner, Natalie Knox, Morag Graham, Gary Van Domselaar, Nathalie Bastien, Ruimin Gao, Cody Buchanan, Jasmine Frost, Ameet Bharaj, Cole Slater, Nikki Toledo, Laura Hart, Yan Li, Timothy Booth, Catherine Yoshida, Genevieve Labbe, Adina Bujold, Kara Loos, Jennifer Beirnes, Michael Przybytkowski, Patrick Bastedo, Debra Sorensen, Andrea Tyler, Ana Duggan, Darian Hole, Madison Chapel, Kristen Biggar, Emily Haidl, Chanchal Yadav, Jeff Tuff, Connor Chato, Katherine Eaton, Kirsten Palmier, Molly Pratt, Amber Papineau and Adrian Zetner.
Academic, Health Network and Research Institutions staffs having contributed data to the portal
Unity Health Toronto
Ramzi Fattouh, Larissa M. Matukas, Yan Chen, Mark Downing, Trina Otterman, Karel Boissinot, Le Luu
University Health Network/Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Microbiology
Marie-Ming Aynaud, Javier Hernandez, Seda Barutcu, Kin Chan, Jessica Bourke, Marc Mazzulli, Tony Mazzulli, Laurence Pelletier, Jeff Wrana, Aimee Paterson, Angel Liu, Allison McGeer
Kingston Health Sciences Centre and Queen’s University
Prameet M. Sheth, Calvin Sjaarda, Robert Colautti, Katya Douchant
University of British Columbia
John R. Tyson, Gabrielle Jayme, Karen Jones, Terrance P. Snutch
Toronto Invasive Bacterial Diseases Network; Sunnybrook Health Sciences
Allison McGeer, Patryk Aftanas, Angel Li, Kuganya Nirmalarajah, Emily Panousis, Ahmed Draia, Jalees Nasir, David Richardson, Michael Surette, Samira Mubareka, Andrew G. McArthur
Eastern Ontario Regional Laboratory Association
Leanne Mortimer, Hooman Derakhshani, Emily Panousis, Ahmed Draia, Jalees Nasir, Robert Slinger, Andrew G. McArthur
CanCOGeN VirusSeq committees and working groups’ members
CanCOGeN VirusSeq Implementation Committee
Terrance Snutch, Fiona Brinkman, Marceline Côté, William Hsiao, Yann Joly, Sharmistha Mishra, Sandrine Moreira, Samira Mubareka, Jared Simpson, Megan Smallwood, Gary Van Domselaar, Cindy Bell, Catalina López-Correa
CanCOGeN Capacity Building Working Group
Gary Van Domselaar, Matthew Croxen, Natalie Knox, Celine Nadon, Jennifer Tanner
CanCOGeN Data Analytics Working Group
Gary Van Domselaar, Fiona Brinkman, Zohaib Anwar, Robert Beiko, Matieu Bourgey, Guillaume Bourque, Richard de Borja, Ahmed Draia, Jun Duan, Marc Fiume, Dan Fornika, Eric Fournier, Erin Gill, Paul Gordon, Emma Griffiths, José Héctor Gálvez López, Darian Hole, William Hsiao, Jeffrey Joy, Kimia Kamelian, Natalie Knox, Philip Mabon, Finlay Maguire, Tom Matthews, Andrew McArthur, Samir Mechai, Sandrine Moreira, Art Poon, Amos Raphenya, Claire Sevenhuysen, Jared Simpson, Jennifer Tanner, Lauren Tindale, John Tyson, Geoff Winsor, Nolan Woods
CanCOGeN Ethics and Governance Working Group
Yann Joly, Fiona Brinkman, Erin Gill, William Hsiao, Hanshi Liu, Sandrine Moreira, Gary Van Domselaar, Ma’n Zawati, Sarah Savić-Kallesøe
CanCOGeN Metadata Working Group
William Hsiao, David Alexander, Zohaib Anwar, Nathalie Bastien, Tim Booth, Guillaume Bourque, Fiona Brinkman, Hughes Charest, Caroline Colijn, Matthew Croxen, Guillaume Desnoyers, Rejean Dion, Damion Dooley, Ana Duggan, Leah Dupasquier, Kerry Dust, Eleni Galanis, Emma Garlock, Erin Gill, Gurinder Gopal, Tom Graefenhan, Morag Graham, Emma Griffiths, Linda Hoang, Naveed Janjua, Jeffrey Joy, Kimia Kamelian, Lev Kearney, Natalie Knox, Theodore Kuschak, Jason LeBlanc, Yan Li, Anna Majer, Adel Malek, Ryan McDonald, David Moore, Celine Nadon, Samir Patel, Natalie Prystajecky, Anoosha Sehar, Claire Sevenhuysen, Garrett Sorensen, Laura Steven, Lori Strudwick, Marsha Taylor, Shane Thiessen, Gary Van Domselaar, Adrian Zetner
CanCOGeN Research Collaborations Working Group
Fiona Brinkman, Zohaib Anwar, Marceline Côté, Marc Fiume, Laura Gilbert, Erin Gill, Paul Gordon, Yann Joly, Sandrine Moreira, Samira Mubareka, Natalie Prystajecky, Jennifer Tanner, Gary Van Domselaar, Phot Zahariadis,
CanCOGeN Sequencing Working Group
Ioannis Ragoussis, Terrance Snutch, Patryk Aftanas, Matthew Croxen, Hooman Derakhshani, Nahuel Fittipaldi, Morag Graham, Andrew McArthur, Sandrine Moreira, Samira Mubareka, Natalie Prystajecky, Ioannis Ragoussis, Jared Simpson, Michael Surette, John Tyson
CanCOGeN Quality Control Working Group
Jared Simpson, Mathieu Bourgey, Kodjovi Dodji Mlaga, Nahuel Fittipaldi, José Héctor Gálvez López, Natalie Knox, Genevieve Labbe, Pierre Lyons, Philip Mabon, Finlay Maguire, Anna Majer, Andrew McArthur, Ryan McDonald, Sandrine Moreira, Natalie Prystajecky, Karthikeyan Sivaraman, Kerri Smith, Terrance Snutch, Karthikeyan Sivaraman Andrea Tyler, John Tyson, Gary Van Domselaar
Canadian VirusSeq Data Portal (CVDP) Team
Guillaume Bourque, Lincoln Stein, Christina Yung, Hanshi Liu, Yann Joly, Adrielle Houweling, William Hsiao, Marc Fiume, David Bujold, Erin Gill, Fiona Brinkman, Nithu John, Rosita Bajari, Linda Xiang, Alexandru Lepsa, Jaser Uddin, Justin Richardsson, Leonardo Rivera
Funding for the VirusSeq Data Portal has been provided by The Canadian COVID Genomics Network (CanCOGeN), supported by Genome Canada and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), plus the Canadian Institutes of Health Research(CIHR) - Coronavirus Variants Rapid Response Network (CoVaRR-Net)